Thursday, June 28, 2007

Just do it !

Pearl S. Buck :
"I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work."

I came across the above quote today and realized that it's so true. Often, we keep making plans in our heads about how we wanted to learn to play the guitar or how we wanted to try out salsa or how we wanted to commit ourselves to going for a morning walk everyday. But sadly, most of the times, these plans never materialize in the real world for various reasons. They remain within the confines of our head. And before we realize, we get so caught up with the nitty- gritties of our daily lives that we don't seem to be able to take time out and do something for ourselves. We suffer from "too much planning". Therefore, as Pearl S Buck says, we are not gonna accomplish anything if we are going to wait for the right time, the right moment. Our mind must know it has to get down to work. It's worth spending an hour a day doing what you really love doing! It keeps you going. It recharges our batteries. So what are you waiting for ?! Seize the moment and go for it guys!

P.S I'm not advertising Nike! :D


Anonymous said...

Hi, maybe you should write me a comment. Actually, force yourself to.

Ive been waiting three days now and no one really seems to care.

Anonymous said... really seem to be involved in philosophy and psychology stuff. Good for you!

The Cake Lover said...

@ pragati

heheh.. tis a phase! lets see how long it lasts ! :)
by the way, thanks for taking time out to read my blog !