Sunday, February 19, 2006

million dollar question

What do I blog about?!!

I think I've racked my brains enough and I'm still not able to come up with a good enough topic to write about.I thought I would blog about

1)Valentine's day(but that I should've done long back,the topic is stale now and too many people on blogosphere have already expressed my views on it.If I do write about it now,I think it might become a copyright issue with other bloggers).

2)about my baseless low-phase.But its ok,I don't wanna relate my jeremiad here.(I have already sobbed about it enough to my friends...and if you are my friend and you are reading this ...then you already know my sob I don't wanna sound redundant).

3)my other risible phobia -ornithophobia.But I not-so-recently posted a phobia post and again another phobia post would give my readers an impression that I'm an eternally scared and meek personality...which I'm definitely not!(To muster the courage and tell a guy you have a teenie weenie crush on him does require guts!so no I definitely don't have a timid demeanour).

4) my take on current affairs of course...(but I just didn't feel like posting anything serious,I'm tired of my sardonic take on Indian politics)

5)something funny...but I guess my humour-o-meter reading has been dipping low for the past fortnight.

6)my project.(well,If I knew all that I claimed to know at the company,I wouldn't be blank right now)

7)something rebellious...hmm... I'm saving that up for later (later as in after I've watched RDB which I will today :-) )

8)reviews on books,movies...(nah...sounds drab at the moment)

9)my everyday life ...If I did post something on this I think it would read as follows :-
Got up at 8 a.m
brushed my teeth at 8:10
read newspaper till 9
took bath at 9:30
had cornflakes for breakfast
read a book till 2
had lunch n slept till 5
went to library at 5:30
watched movie till 8:00
had dinner at 8:30
was online and did some arbit chatting n browsing
slept at 11

...sounds like a happening life eh?! :-/

10)unbearable heat in chennai..and mind you,this is jus Feb,I can't imagine how mar-may is gonna be like!...(if it was because of a sudden increase in the no. of "hot" guys in chennai then I wouldn't mind it as much ;-) but sadly...thats definitely not the reason)

11)college...the 2 days when I do drag myself to college are spent in reading books under the table and looking up every now and then nodding to the prof's continuous monotonous drab gibberish and pasting this " I-understood- it- all" look on my face...or looking at the watch every 2 mins in the hope that 'TIME' would suddenly start running instead of strolling ...or being thrown outta the class for laughing at a guy who's peacefully and blissfully sleeping and then getting a lecture on inappropriate behaviour in class!)

And so now I have given enough proof to my readers that I haven't really been negligent about my duties as a blogger and no I don't treat blogging as a perfunctory task either...there's a dearth of topics!!or rather creativity and imagination...

But then I'm open to please gimme ideas as to what I should blog about...

I'll be waiting...


Radha said...

wow.. i guess lotta of us are goin thro the "no topic to blog" phase. and v all end up jus writin bout "wat all v wanted to blog bout" hehe. but tat itself makes for quite a interseting readin !. u can blog bout ummm.. rdb and change (the "in" topic ).. but dont do tat till i blog bout it and tag u ..:-) meanwhile jus keep postin bout ur drab everyday life. u never know.. v may find it interesting. :)

The Cake Lover said...

radha...did u find a sample of my everyday life interesting?!!Then God help you...!

Radha said...

no dear.. im sure u edited the "gud parts".. im tellin u to post them .. and u had loadsa fun over the past weeks ( im sure u dint foll this routine :-) ).. post bout tta ! btw, how can ur life possibly be borin with me involved in it ? ;-)

scoffes said...

rada says : " ... how can ur life possibly be borin with me involved in it ? ;-) "

oh my !
show us some axn , girls

The Cake Lover said...

sandeep...exactly wat do u have in mind?! ;-)

you-yum-yay said...

tat makes interestin readin.. to blog abt y u dint blog :)

Anonymous said...

mannu...i guess it shud b abt....

"Y shud we read ur blogs???"

The Cake Lover said...

mike...i will give you reasons as to why you should read my blog...
1)it makes for good reading (or so I like to think)
2)you are my are supposed to read and comment and encourage the budding writer in me ;-)
3)cos you are jobless with nothing better to do ... ;-)
he he...aren't those reasons enough?!
P.S You shouldn't put me down in public like this...he he...jus kiddin!