Sunday, January 22, 2006

Lasting impressions...

First impression is the last impression...or so they say and so I believed.But so often it has happened that first impressions have been such wrong impressions.
Two of my best friends-I had judged them to be snobs even before I knew them.The more I got to know them,the more I grew to love them.I couldn't believe these were the same people I had considered too haughty to even talk to.(My sincere apologies to both of you!)
Another friend of mine judged me unfit for his attention and even bitched about me with another friend of his (It is a different issue altogether that he and I are best of friends now and he and his bitch pal are no longer on talking terms!)
Another instance would be one of my classmates who I thought considered the rest of the class to be lesser mortals (esp the girls!!).He didn't as much as give us a glance or even acknowledge our presence.It is a wonder that we sat in the same class for 2 years and never had a word to say to one another.It is an even greater wonder that we both do have quite a few interesting conversations these days.
Sometimes its the other way round.We get along extremely well with someone but then a small misunderstanding ,a tiff and all is lost.You begin to wonder how things went so wrong so suddenly.
Or sometimes,people just drift apart for no reason at all.I guess they just find their calling and move on...and one must gracefully accept the change.It hurts but as my sis says "this too shall pass" .
So I do believe that "We always create images and perceptions about people and then try to make them prisoners of those images … " I hate to admit that I have done that.(And I'm sure if all of you who are reading this do a bit of introspection would agree with me too.)
Its high time I grow up and stop presuming things about people and let them just "be" themseleves...

P.S All names have been kept confidential intentionally lest I am found unfit to post anything further (which ofcourse would be a great loss for my ardent readers!)


Anonymous said...

jus wondering if i'm one of those 'frens' who features in this blog and who's name is kept confidential... i really wonder...
finger on chin expression....

Radha said...

hey !! u have put the exact thots in my mind on paper.wat u have written is 100% true.many a times i have jumped to conclusions about ppl or made judgements even befor gettin to know them. i usually make the mistake of underestimating/ over estimating a person. been tryin to change myself over the past few yrs..

btw, very well written post. :-)

ps: quite a coincidence tat me & my fren were talkin about the same thing jus sometime bck,today.

Radha said...

and change ur blog look.. dont be a copy cat. why wud u want ur blog to resemble someone's blog wen urz is obviously much better.


you-yum-yay said...

i completely agree with u.And it takes quite an effort to be non-judgemental & hav no prejudice.

Anonymous said...

hmmm...well d driftin away part s d most painful thing thing i ve learnt is not 2 expect anythin from anybody!!

scoffes said...

true . true .

if i were a chick , i wud ve posted this post meself , but u know i gotta follow the code of guys and be all testesteroney !

good work .

and rada , two words : "SCREW U "

Anonymous said...

the way u feel abt someone after many meetings are more true than those that u form durin the wit u manas..
jus one thing..did u really phrase tht"prisoners......" line??if u did then im givin up my ideas of bloggin..:(

meera said...

hey manasvi....and yeah your bang on spot..there are those relationships u form after thinking the worst of the other..there are those where u hit it off from the woprd go but suddenly poof and its gone over the stupidest thing..and those that have been there for ever slol\wly fade too..its sad..but true and i think i've had them all happen to me...and ur sis seems wise man..thats good advice..guess we should just take whatever it is that comes..