Saturday, January 14, 2006

Homesick or sick of home?

I don't know about all of you,but I've been a complete brat as a kid.To give you a few examples:-neither would I polish my shoes for school nor would I bother to put my school uniform for wash when I got back (I had appointed my mommy dearest to do that).I would wake my mum up at 3 in the morning to make a cup of tea to keep myself from dozing off during exam times).Pampered as I was at home,you can imagine the state of shock I transited into when I heard I was being sent away from home to study elsewhere.My scheming mind began to mastermind all kinds of plans to persuade my parents from refraining to commit such a sin.I tried emotional blackmail,faking sickness,promising to be an angel henceforth,enlightening them about the different ways in which my flight could be hijacked,hiding my ticket,delaying everything so that I'd miss my flight.I tried every trick under the sun.Nothing seemed to budge my family from their stand.After all the howling at the airport(mind you,none of my family members cried...its a different issue that they might have after they reached home...whether they did cry or not will always remain a mystery to me 'cos they still don't reveal it.But I like to think they did,So we'll leave it at that.)Everything happens for a reason (or so a friend of mine thinks...) and whatever that reason was,the truth was I was leaving on a jet plane to make my entry into the big,bad world(and I didn't know when I'd be back again!).You might think I would have given up on my plans to go back home,but my undeterred self wouldn't give up so easily.For the next 3 months,I'd call home and cry and throw a tantrum.In the meanwhile,I did make friends at school and kinda began to settle down (Though,I refused to admit it).I did miss my friends back home.Every letter/e-mail from them would have tears running down my cheeks.But time heals everything or so they say...(for those of you who might have any doubts,I did learn to polish my own shoes and remember to put my clothes for wash.And yes,I can make my own cup of tea now)
Six years down the line,here I am...Time for a bit of confession.Though I have never admitted it till now,I'm glad I got this experience of staying away from home.I've grown and matured as person since then(Atleast I think so).Ofcourse,I wouldn't have survived these years without my support system(my family and a bunch of 'bestest' friends !Hats off to you guys for having put up with all my whining and comforting me when I was homesick)I've learnt to appreciate my parents more for the 'lil' things that they've done (and keep doing) which were inconspicuous when I was staying with them,but their absence makes them glaringly conspicuous.Distance has brought me closer to my family.And ofcourse,I'm glad I came here cos I've made friends for life here!So I guess my friend is right...everything does happen for a reason afterall.


you-yum-yay said...

As i hav seen the transition with my own eyes,i agree tat bein away frm home gradually changes a spoilt brat into a woman of substance:)

Radha said...

I have always admired u bein a really "independent" gal.. !!

In a way u r really lucky and shuld thank ur parents cos ur havin a totally diff exp frm our "sheltered" life. :-).

Anonymous said...

well.. i've had to stay away from home as well.. been there.. shit.. now i've to go grab a tissue.. sniff sniff..

Anonymous said...

i totally agree wit you.

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to what u've written manas cos i've been through it too.We are totally different people today.A Lot tougher dont' u think?

Anonymous said...

well.. very true!!stayin away from parents has its own +ve n -ve points!!..atleast it has made "MANASVI" more confident.. n stronger..(physically n mentally..okok..PJ..)n by d way who said ur not a brat now?? i think ur still!! ;-)

The Cake Lover said... think I'm an angel now! ;-)
and yes hema...when the going gets tough...the tough get going! :-)

scoffes said...

this is a collective comment 4 all ur posts : amazing work !!

i've smthn remotely on the lines of this post . visit ...

Anonymous said...

i have been with you thru the 2nd half of transition, but i'm assuming there wasnt much of a transition in the 1st half ;-)(villanous laughter)...and i will not refute that te fact tat u have changed...its been heartenin to see u grow into a woman...sniff....sniff..(btw good work on the blog front)

Anonymous said...

im liftin up my collar.. bein part of d reason u can make ur own tea ;-)

Anonymous said...

i have always wanted to experience how it feels like to stay away from parents but have never got a chance till now.i always thought it would b gr8 fun away from home n ur mom wont be around to keep reminding u constantly to clean ur cupboard or ur room n u dont have to listen to any - dont do this,dont do that,be more responsible........
but i guess if i ever do get a chance i'll keep wanting to go back home n actually like to hear all those they say the grass is always greener on the otherside.

The Cake Lover said...

absolutely true nisha...I really miss my mom's bickerings while I'm away from home...sniff sniff...